Saturday, July 3, 2010

Domestic Princess!

I just had to snap this pic yesterday!
The girls are busily getting things sorted to go away for a week to a performing arts camp. Included in this week are a few dress up days/nights. For one of them the group of girls from the Gold Coast is going as the Disney Princesses!
I had a whole load of dishes draining on the sink from a big family dinner the night before.
As I walked back through the kitchen I saw this and just couldn't resist taking a pic of it!
I had cleaned the sticky label off the tiara with Eucalyptus and rinsed it and left it to dry.
It wasn't until I saw it a little while later that I saw how funny it looked!
Hail to all those kitchen princesses out there!
Wash up your Tiara and leave it to dry ......
just long enough to watch a DVD on the couch with a block of chocolate.

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