Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter is coming ....

I have spent the afternoon making some tags with my favourite tag and dragonfly punches.

I then bagged and wrapped about 200 chocolate eggs for kids church tomorrow!

I also made some cute little Rocky Road treats.

I printed a few vintage Easter Bunny pics and attached then to the punched tags.

I then packed them into beautiful cello bags ready to share.

All packed and ready to share with family and friends.

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 18, 2011

What a hoot!

I have a soft spot for cute little owls at the moment. I decided to dust off the sewing machine and use up some scraps to whip up this one. Oh so easy and ooh so cute.... he has vanilla essential oil in him so he will freshen any little spot that she chooses to roost!

He has been sitting on my table for a few days and has won the hearts of anyone who has dropped in! I can see some more owls joining him very soon!

Have a hoot this Easter!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A path to happiness!

It has been an interesting week!
The vibe has been a little negative ...
lots of people who are not well and lots of people who are not happy!
It got me thinking .... what is it that make me unhappy?
I have a whole lot to be thankful for. Family, friends, health, love. If it isn't the big things that get to me is it the small things that do it?
This week I am going to keep a list of things that cheese me off! By identifying what it is that annoys me maybe I can make some changes. Little by little I will walk the path to happiness!
Beware this week that you don't get on the list!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Domestic Princess!

I just had to snap this pic yesterday!
The girls are busily getting things sorted to go away for a week to a performing arts camp. Included in this week are a few dress up days/nights. For one of them the group of girls from the Gold Coast is going as the Disney Princesses!
I had a whole load of dishes draining on the sink from a big family dinner the night before.
As I walked back through the kitchen I saw this and just couldn't resist taking a pic of it!
I had cleaned the sticky label off the tiara with Eucalyptus and rinsed it and left it to dry.
It wasn't until I saw it a little while later that I saw how funny it looked!
Hail to all those kitchen princesses out there!
Wash up your Tiara and leave it to dry ......
just long enough to watch a DVD on the couch with a block of chocolate.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fairy Bread

Is it just me or is Fairy Bread the ultimate food?
There is just something about Fairy Bread that takes me back to my childhood.... when life was simple. Fresh white bread, butter and hundred and thousands, does it get more easy?
We were watching a DVD the other day, and in the movie the girls were making Fairy Bread to take to a party. After finishing the bread they then spread their lips with butter and kissed the bowl!
Ta Dah! Hundreds and Thousands lip gloss! We had to give it a go! It was fun while it lasted but the multicoloured dye spots took a little time to wear off!
Life as an adult is not always simple. Fairy Bread can be a great reminder not to take life too seriously!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting some exercise!

When you jump to conclusions where do you take off from?
Where do you land?
How long are you in the air? How far off the ground do you get?
Where do conclusions begin? And can they be continued?
Is a conclusion simply the place where you get tired of thinking?
If you come to a conclusion where have you been?
Do you get more exercise jumping to conclusions or dodging the issues?
To succeed in life, jump as quickly at opportunities
as you do at conclusions

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One of those moments!

I had one of those funny conversations today. You know those ones where you get onto a topic and have no idea how you got there.

I was driving with mini me and somehow we got onto talking about incontinence pads! I was trying to explain why some women needed them .... after having babies and when they were getting older. She was so totally disgusted ... and then started talking about adult nappies! It all went downhill from there.....

She was laughing so hard she had tears rolling down her face.....

I was laughing so hard I was glad I had something to "depends" on!

What has my world come to???